Data security is the process of protecting corporate and proprietary data from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. Data security also ensures that data is available to anyone in the organization who has access to the data. Our call/communication centers generate a lot of data. The data is vital to the operations of the businesses and as such must be secured at all times and at any cost.
If the data is stored onsite or offsite but not in the cloud, we ensure that the physical security of the hardware and storage devices is maintained. Administrative and access controls of the data including the logical security of all software applications that use and have access to the data must also be properly kept under watch. Security organizational policies and procedures must also be in place.
Some industries require a high level of data security to comply with both local and international regulations. Our team will work with organizations to make sure that all required data security regulations are observed and all protocols followed. Even if the organization is not subject to a regulation or compliance standard, it is still always critical for the survival of the modern business to have securely protected data because data security impacts both the organization’s key assets and private data belonging to the organization’s clients/customers.
Some of the common issues faced by organizations as they work on securing sensitive data include accidental exposure; phishing and other social engineering attacks; insider threats; human error; ransomware; and data loss in the cloud. We have solutions on how to prevent these and other issues that may threaten the integrity of an organization’s data. Our data security capabilities and solutions are industry standard and we are always working hard to always be a step ahead of the industry standards.
This article is just a summarized presentation of how seriously we approach data security at TDG. For a comprehensive understanding of our data security solutions, please feel free to Contact Us.