At TDG we are definitely a serious bunch. When working we go all out. I was going to put an analogy involving how one of my favorite football/soccer players tackle, but I did not want to start an office war. I’ll settle for the ferocity of the famous Andy Flower reverse sweep shot instead. I hope you all get the cricket quip here. The point I am attempting to make is that we work very hard and we also have a lot of fun together as a team. The team that plays together, stays, and works efficiently together.
By default, everybody is a soccer fan. The most followed league is the English Premier League. We do have some team members who used to follow the two biggest teams in the Spanish league but those have followed their favorite players and are now fans of the English league and the French league. There are plans to create an office soccer team and join a local recreational soccer league. I am sure our team will crush every opponent. The confidence!
There are some who are crazy about cricket, tennis, golf, the NFL, the NBA, MLB, Formula 1, chess, and many other board games just to list a few activities that we entertain ourselves with sometimes. There’s always an ongoing chess going on in the office. Some chess games can take days to conclude with some guys making one of two moves per day between assignments. Whatever your sporting interests are, the likelihood of at least one of our team members being an avid player or follower of that sport is very high. This interest in sports by our team members was not by design. It just coincidentally happened. That by the way is not to imply that being a sports fanatic is a pre-requisite of joining our team. Absolutely not!
Hiking is also another popular team bonding activity. Some have been to Domboshava Hills and Mt. Nyangani here in Zimbabwe a number of times. After long hard hours in the office, not a lot of outdoor activities can reset a person better than spending times in nature on the hiking trails.
Then there are the happy hours! I’ll end with that. 🙂